
Loading States

Sometimes a component might take a little bit of time to finish an action, for example, making a request to an external API. In these cases it can be helpful to give some feedback to the user that the request is still processing. Enter loading states.

Show/Hide Elements During Loading States

    <button meld:click="sponsor">Support open-source software</button>

    <div meld:loading>
        Processing Github request...

When the "sponsor" button is clicked, the "Processing Github request..." will be displayed. Once the action has completed the message will disappear.

You can also "hide" an element during a loading state using the .remove modifier.

    <button meld:click="sponsor">Support open-source software</button>

    <div meld:loading.remove>
        Hide this div while loading

Targeting specific actions

If your component has multiple actions you may want to show loading states only for specific actions.

  <button meld:click="add" id="addAction">Add</button>
  <button meld:click="remove" id="removeAction">Remove</button>

  <div meld:loading meld:target="addAction">Adding item</div>
  <div meld:loading meld:target="removeAction">Removing item</div>

An element’s meld:key can also be targeted.

  <button meld:click="add" meld:key="addKey">Add</button>
  <button meld:click="remove" meld:key="removeKey">remove</button>

  <div meld:loading meld:target="addKey">Adding item</div>
  <div meld:loading meld:target="removeKey">Removing item</div>

Set set class of element during loading state

Add or remove classes from an element during loading states by adding the .class modifier

  <button meld:click="update" meld:loading.class="opacity-50">Update</button>

Classes can also be removed durning a loading state. Below if the update button is pressed the bg-purple class will be removed from the input during the loading state and is added back when the loading state completes.

  <button class="bg-purple" meld:loading.class.remove="bg-purple" meld:click="update">Update</button>

Set attribute of element during loading state

An element can set an attribute during a loading state. A great use case for setting an attribute is to add the "disabled" attribute to elements when an action is triggered.

  <button meld:click="update" meld:loading.attr="disabled">Update</button>

Form Validation

A big part of creating web applications is using forms. Flask-Meld integrates with Flask-WTF to give you real-time form validation without writing any Javascript.

Integration with WTForms for validation

Define your form with Flask-WTF

# forms.py
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import StringField, PasswordField
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Email, EqualTo

class RegistrationForm(FlaskForm):
    email = StringField('Email', validators=[DataRequired(), Email()])
    password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[DataRequired()])
    password_confirm = PasswordField('Confirm Password', validators=[DataRequired(), EqualTo('password')])

Create your template

Use WTForm helpers to create your form in your HTML template.

<!-- app/meld/templates/register.html -->
    <form method="POST">
            {{ form.email.label }}
            {{ form.email }}
            <span> {{ errors.password | first }} </span>

            {{ form.password.label }}
            {{ form.password }}
            <span> {{ errors.password | first }} </span>
            {{ form.password_confirm.label }}
            {{ form.password_confirm }}
            <span> {{ errors.password_confirm | first }} </span>
            {{ form.submit }}

Using the WTForm helpers saves you some typing. Alternatively, you can define your HTML form without using the helpers. For example, to make a field use <input id="email" meld:model="email" name="email" required="" type="text" value=""> Make sure that meld:model="name_of_field" exists on each field.

Define the form in the component

# app/meld/components/register.py
from flask_meld import Component
from forms import RegistrationForm

class Register(Component):
    form = RegistrationForm()

Realtime form validation

To make your form validate as a user types use the updated function. This will provide the form field and allow you to validate on the fly. Simply call validate on the field.

# meld/components/register.py
from flask_meld import Component
from forms import RegistrationForm

class Register(Component):
    form = RegistrationForm()

    def updated(self, field):


You can create a custom method on your component (such as a save method) to handle submissions or you can use your regular old Flask routes.

@app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def register():
    form = RegistrationForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        # do anything you need with your form data...
        return redirect(url_for("index"))
    return render_template("register_page.html")