
Here is an example for counter:

{# app/meld/templates/counter.html #}
    <button meld:click="subtract">-</button>
    <input type="text" meld:model="count" readonly></input>
    <button meld:click="add">+</button>

Let's take a look at that template file in more detail.

The buttons use meld:click to call the add or subtract function of the Counter component. The input uses meld:model to bind the input to the count property on the Counter component.

Note, to avoid errors, when adding a comment to a component template use the Jinja syntax, {# comment here #}, rather than the HTML syntax.

Pass data to a component

You can, of course, pass data to your meld component. Meld is passing kwargs to the render function of the meld templatetag, so you can pass any number of named arguments. The component is found based on the first parameter, aka name of the component, and any number of data passed afterwards.

Providing a very basic component as an example to display a greeting message using the passed value for the keyword "name" in the corresponding template.

{# app/meld/templates/greeter.html #}
    Hello, {{name or "Nobody"}}

which can be invoked using:

{# app/templates/base.html #}
{% meld 'greeter', name="John Doe" %}

Use passed values in a component

You may want to have the ability to access a passed in value within a component.

Using the same example as above, pass in a name to the component.

{# app/templates/base.html #}
{% meld 'greeter', name="John Doe" %}

Access the name attribute within the component with self.name.

class Greeter(Component):

    def get_name(self):
        return self.name
    Hello, {{name}}


Use modifiers to change how Meld handles network requests.

  • lazy: <input meld:model.lazy="search"> To prevent updates from happening on every input, you can append a lazy modifier to the end of meld:model. That will only update the component when a blur event happens.

  • debounce: <input meld:model.debounce-500="search"> Delay network requests for an amount of time after a keypress. Used to increase performance and sync when the user has paused typing for an amount of time. debounce-250 will wait 250ms before it syncs with the server. The default is 150ms.

  • defer: <input meld:model.defer="search"> Pass the search field with the next network request. Used to improve performance when realtime databinding is not necessary.

  • prevent: Use to prevent a default action. The following example uses defer to delay sending a network request until the form is submitted. An idea of how this can be used: instead of adding a keydown event listener to the input field to capture the press of the enter key, a form with meld:submit.prevent="search" can be used to to invoke a component's search function instead of the default form handler on form submission.

<form meld:submit.prevent="search">
    <input meld:model.defer="search_text" type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Search for name">
    <button meld:click="search">Search</button>

    <!-- To get the same functionality without using meld:submit.prevent="search" you
    would need to add an event listener for the enter key 
    <input meld:model.defer="search_text" meld:keydown.Enter="search" type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Search for name">